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Paris Memories #3

Teil Drei – In dieser Serie zeige ich euch noch einmal ein paar Fotos von meinem Paris-Aufenthalt im Sommer, die ich bisher noch gar nicht veröffentlicht habe. Der nächste Teil kommt bald!

One of my very first days in Paris, shopping at Galeries Lafayette – exactely the same building where our flat was

On the top of Notre Dame, feeling totally enchanted

Taking photos at Trocadéro

In front of Château de Versailles

Phil on the top of Notre Dame, right before the entrance door to the big bell.
People must have been a bit smaller some centuries ago…

One of those wonderful sunsets in Paris, view from Pont des Arts

Picnic with some tasty cheese, baguette and grapes nearby the Seine

Place du Tertre by night again

During “Les Patrimoines” we were able to enter the Institut de France, this is their library containing lots of ancient books

Some delicious sushi in one of those sushi restaurants in the 6ième

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2 comments on “Paris Memories #3

  1. Denisa says:

    Wow, that pics are amazing. It looks like a perfect trip. Have a nice day.

  2. Jürgen says:

    Paris muss eine schöne Stadt sein, ich selbst war noch nie dort.